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Hackathon 15.-16.10.

15 loka 16 loka

Free event

Get involved for the NEXT LEVEL Robotics Hackathon! 

Are you passionate about robotics and innovation?
Do you have what it takes to build the next big thing in tech?

Then we want YOU at our Robotics Hackathon!

Who Can Join?

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, this hackathon is for everyone. Plus, you can join as an individual or with a team!

Event Details:

📅 Date: 15-16.10.2024

📍 Location: SAMK Campus Pori (right next to Pori Railway and Bus Stations)

Why Participate? 

  • Collaborate with like-minded enthusiasts and experts. 
  • Innovate and bring your ideas to life with cutting-edge technology. 
  • Compete for amazing prizes and recognition. 
  • Learn from industry leaders through workshops and mentorship. 

NEXT LEVEL Robotics Challenges 

If you’ve ever wondered how amazing at robot programming you really are, the NEXT LEVEL Robotics Challenges will be your reason to gear up. This year, we’ve created 4 unique challenges to test your skills and insight:

Material handling in virtual and real world 

In the challenge, the participant gets to learn about the processing of the workpiece in the virtual and real world. The challenge utilizes the ROS interface and ACROBA in UR -robots

Gripper design and manufacturing 

Marketing and distribution strategies, Brand Awareness & Innovative Business Models

Robotic solution for the food industry 

Fill out the registration form and get ready to hack!

Registration for this event has ended.

SAMK & Prizztech


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